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NHBP NYE Sobriety Pow-Wow

Mark your calendars now for the upcoming New Year’s Eve Sobriety Pow Wow as we celebrate the endurance of our People! This year’s Pow Wow will kick off with a Rip the Runway Fashion Show in honor of the Every Child Matters movement. We look forward to celebrating and honoring sobriety in our Community, one step at a time. 🔥 This event is FREE admission and open to the public!
Schedule 📃⬇
2:30 PM | Doors Open for Fashion Show Only
3:30 – 4:30 PM | Native Fashion Show
7:00 PM | Grand Entry
9:30 PM | Sobriety Honor and Give-A-Way
11:55 PM | New Year’s Eve Countdown
All vendors and participants must have Tribal IDs. Spectators are the only group not required to have one. ‼
Fashion Show Participants, please scan the QR code on the flyer or visit this link:
Vendors, please scan the other QR code on the flyer or visit this link:
Dancers & Drummers are required to register in person upon arrival.
There is a small giveaway for participants! 🌟
Please note that if you are selected as a vendor, we will contact you with confirmation. If you do not receive confirmation, do not plan to attend the Pow Wow as a vendor. We still welcome your attendance as a Dancer, Drummer, Fashion Show Participant or just a spectator.
For vendor information, please contact Culture Associate Jennifer Ives at 616.514.3644 or jennifer.ives@nhbp-nsn.gov.
For general information, please contact NHBP Culture Specialist Kevin Harris II at 269.832.8331 or kevin.harrisII@nhbp-nsn.gov.



Tuesday, December 31 / 2:30 pm
January 1, 2025 / 1:00 am
Event Categories:
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Kellogg Arena
1 McCamly Sqaure
Battle Creek, MI 49017 United States
+ Google Map
(269) 963-4800
Kellogg Arena